IN a summer season · (live: 2s)[when soft was the sun]
(live: 5s)[On a May morning ·]
(live: 8s)[on (text-colour: "cyan")[(text-style: "outline")[(text-colour:"black")[[Malvern hills]]]]]
(live: 5s)[(text-colour: "cyan")[(text-style: "outline")[(text-colour:"black")[go back to [(text-colour:"red")[[dream]]]]]]]
<audio src="" autoplay loop>
(live: 8s)[(text-colour: "cyan")[(text-style: "outline")[(text-colour:"black")[go back to [(text-colour:"red")[[dream]]]]]]]
<audio src="" autoplay loop>(text-colour: "cyan")[(text-style: "outline")[(text-colour:"black")[Of all manner of men · the rich and the poor,]]
Working and [(text-colour:"red")[[wandering]]]
[All this you saw sleeping and seven times [(text-colour:"red")[[more.->may morning ]]]]]]
<audio src="" autoplay loop>
You found there friars · (text-colour: "cyan")[(text-style: "outline")[(text-colour:"black")[[of all the four orders]]]],
Preaching to the people · for profit to themselves.
Some put them to plow · and played little enough,
At setting and sowing · they sweated right hard
We sow into soil · hope that it takes
Try a charm
For (text-colour: "cyan")[(text-style: "outline")[(text-colour:"black")[[Another]]]]
For (text-colour: "cyan")[(text-style: "outline")[(text-colour:"black")[[A Journey]]]]
<audio src= "" autoplay loop> Ditchers and diggers · that do their work (text-colour: "cyan")[(text-style: "outline")[(text-colour:"black")[[ill]]]]
And spend all the day singing · `Dieu vous sauve, dame Emme!'
Reach and extend out bid all you with spirit light
Shining blossoms · sprouting fields
Speak these words · before it turns day
Tranquil, light-footed winds upon the shore
(link: "send a letter")[(open-url:'')]
(text-colour: "cyan")[(text-style: "outline")[(text-colour:"black")[[Turn around->wandering]]]]
Bring an image of that person that you would like to find
Sing this spell, first into the left ear and then in the right
Then above the earth of men as they listen, without judgement
Take three cleansing breaths which unites you to (text-colour: "cyan")[(text-style: "outline")[(text-colour:"black")[[them->fair field]]]]
Great mischief on earth · is mounting up fast.
do you believe them? (text-colour: "cyan")[(text-style: "outline")[(text-colour:"black")[[welcome their words->a dungeon therein]]]]? For better is a little loss · than a long sorrow;
He's the fear among us all · whereby we miss worse things.
For many men's malt · we mice would destroy,
And the riot of rats · would rend men's clothes,
Were it not for that Court cat · that can leap in among you;
For had ye rats your will · ye could not rule [[yourselves->fair field]]. As you looked to the east · right into the sun,
(live: 3s)[You saw a (text-colour: "cyan")[(text-style: "outline")[(text-colour:"black")[[tower on a toft]]]] · worthily built;]
(live: 5s)[A deep dale beneath · (text-colour: "cyan")[(text-style: "outline")[(text-colour:"black")[[a dungeon therein]]]]]
(live: 7s)[A (text-colour: "cyan")[(text-style: "outline")[(text-colour:"black")[[fair field]]]] full of folk · you found in between,]
<audio src="" autoplay loop>
you were weary from wandering · and went to rest
[Under a broad bank ·] [by a (text-colour: "cyan")[(text-style: "outline")[(text-colour:"black")[[brook's side]]]]],
<audio src="" autoplay loop>
(text-colour: "cyan")[(text-style: "outline")[(text-colour:"black")[You fell into a sleep · for it sounded so merry.
(live: 4s)[Then you began to [(text-colour:"red")[[dream]]] · a marvellous dream,]
(live: 6s)[That you were in a wilderness · you don't know where.]]]]
<audio src="" autoplay loop>And as you lay and leaned over · and looked into the (text-colour: "cyan")[(text-style: "outline")[(text-colour:"black")[[waters]]]]
<audio src="" autoplay loop>
(text-colour: "cyan")[(text-style: "outline")[(text-colour:"black")
[In this plot four by four · back and forth
You have seven seconds · [(text-colour:"red")[[Turn and run->wandering]]]]]] · (text-colour: "cyan")[(text-style: "outline")[(text-colour:"red")[[go to work->setting and sowing]]]]You found there
(text-colour: "cyan")[(text-style: "outline")[(text-colour:"black")[[Friars of all the four orders]]]],
(text-colour: "cyan")[(text-style: "outline")[(text-colour:"black")[[Ditchers and diggers]]]],
And some (text-colour: "cyan")[(text-style: "outline")[(text-colour:"black")[[setting and sowing]]]]